JamdaniParticularsThe hoary history of this most delicate of weavesShoba NarayanMarch 16, 2019February 1, 2021 by Shoba NarayanMarch 16, 2019February 1, 202101880The origin of the jamdani is lost in the mists of history and mystery. Here are some of the oft-repeated factoids. Jam-dani refers to flowers...
JamdaniParticularsWhy is the Jamdani so special?Shoba NarayanMarch 16, 2019February 1, 2021 by Shoba NarayanMarch 16, 2019February 1, 202101199...
JamdaniParticularsA few books and linksShoba NarayanMarch 13, 2019October 23, 2019 by Shoba NarayanMarch 13, 2019October 23, 201903323Empire of Cotton by Sven Beckert. Our Story of Dhaka Muslin Cotton: a frayed history by Uzramma and Meena Menon Basic introduction to jamdani Muslin...
JamdaniParticularsHow to tell an authentic JamdaniShoba NarayanMarch 11, 2019May 15, 2019 by Shoba NarayanMarch 11, 2019May 15, 201902254How to tell an authentic jamdani...
GlossaryJamdaniParticularsThe poem that gave jamdanis the phrase “woven air.”Shoba NarayanFebruary 22, 2019October 23, 2019 by Shoba NarayanFebruary 22, 2019October 23, 201902105It is almost a tired cliche. As anyone about jamdanis-- or chanderis for that matter-- and they will trot out the phrase, "woven air." The...