JamdaniProcessSo how do you make a Jamdani saree?Shoba NarayanMarch 12, 2019February 1, 2021 by Shoba NarayanMarch 12, 2019February 1, 202101983The different stages of weaving So here is what happens. Here are the stages of weaving. Cotton gets picked. The Daccai jamdani was made with...
JamdaniProcessHow to recreate a 100-year old Jamdani today?Shoba NarayanMarch 11, 2019May 20, 2019 by Shoba NarayanMarch 11, 2019May 20, 201904627Darshan Shah of Weaver’s Studio, Kolkata pulls out what looks to be a white roll. It turns out to be a stunning jamdani weave that...
JamdaniPeopleThe cloth that looks like the vapour of dawn.Shoba NarayanMarch 11, 2019June 27, 2019 by Shoba NarayanMarch 11, 2019June 27, 201901843Muslin – what magic does the name hold? What mystery lies behind the filaments of this fabric? Who wove it? Who wore it? If the...